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Brief Professional Biography

Arthur M. Diamond, Jr.
Professor of Economics
Department of Economics, UNO



Art Diamond earned graduate degrees in philosophy and in economics from the University of Chicago, where he also was awarded a Post-Doctoral Fellowship with economics Nobel Prize laureate Gary Becker.  He has been on the faculty of The Ohio State University and is currently Professor of Economics at the University of Nebraska Omaha.  Most years he teaches graduate seminars on Economics of Entrepreneurship and Economics of Technology.  Diamond has published many journal articles, most recently focusing on labor economics, economics of technology, and economics of entrepreneurship.  He has received the University of Nebraska Omaha Award for Distinguished Research or Creative Activity; and the Department of Economics Outstanding Economics Graduate Teacher award. 

His Openness to Creative Destruction:  Sustaining Innovative Dynamism was published in June 2019 by Oxford University Press.  The book shows how life has improved through innovation, how innovation has occurred through the efforts of inventors and innovative entrepreneurs, how workers on balance benefit from a system of innovative dynamism, and how policies can be crafted to encourage the innovative entrepreneur to bring us more innovations.  In August 2019, Russ Roberts, of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, devoted an episode of his EconTalk podcast to a conversation with Diamond about Openness.  

Diamond also is the author of the script of the "Frank Knight and the Chicago School" episode of the Great Economic Thinkers audio series.  His daily entries on his web log amount to the modern equivalent of the “commonplace book” of the enlightenment, highlighting important evidence, quotes, events, and ideas.






Headshot photo of Art